Enrique Menasalvas

Enrique Menasalvas

Director of Wine Tours Madrid.
Wset 3 and Senior Viticulture Technician.

Full Satisfaction Guarantee

The Wine Pleasure Promise is Wine Tour Madrid's commitment to each client. Wine tours in the region offer guaranteed enjoyment, combining expert knowledge with a passion for wine.

The Security in Every Glass is given to you by Wine Tour Madrid who guarantees that every wine tasting in Madrid and Ribera del Duero will be memorable. With detailed attention to detail, we ensure that every experience is synonymous with confidence, highlighting the quality and careful selection of wines.

Certaintyin the Experience because from the first moment to the last sip, wine adventures carry the certainty of a well-orchestrated experience. Every detail, from the selection of wineries to the knowledge imparted, is calculated to guarantee pleasure and knowledge.



Unbridled Taste and Adventure

Discover the taste of Madrid that is more than just a vibrant city. Here, the wines reflect the heritage of the place. Imagine yourself savoring

Discover the Unexpected

The Adventure Among Vineyards awaits you behind every hill. Surprise yourself in every discovery with the wine tours near Madrid.

Raising the Standard of Wine

Innovating in Every Sip, because innovation is in every wine, where tradition and modernity meet. Tastings at Wine Tour

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