Wine tour Madrid: about us

Wine Tour Madrid is an agency specialized in quality wine tourism. WTM is founded and directed by Enrique Menasalvasbilingual, winemaker, with WSET-L3 qualification and more than 8 years of experience as an enotourism guide. We were born with the aim of bringing the rich culture of Spanish wine in tours of different formats. We offer a wide range of wine tastings from MadridFrom more economical open group tours with a maximum of 7 participants to more exclusive tours in private formats of any size; from tours lasting a few hours to trips lasting several days. We are located in Madrid, in the center of Spain and from our base we easily reach some of the most popular wine regions: Ribera del Duero; Rioja; La Mancha; Madridetc.

Le Monde Enivrant du Jeu de Hasard: Découvrez les Secrets du avec depot Blog le plus payant

In the captivating world of gambling games, François Jelius' personal blog stands out for its intriguing revelations and insightful analyses. Each article published on this blog offers a unique view on the world of gambling, sharing well kept tricks and secrets. Readers are transported into an engrossing world where each ticket reveals a new facet of this fascinating universe.

The readers of François Jelius' personal blog are constantly surprised by the depth of the subjects covered and the quality of the information disclosed. Each publication is carefully elaborated to offer an enriching experience to those who love games of chance. The secrets revealed in these articles arouse curiosity and stimulate reflection, thus creating a unique dynamic within the community of amateur gambling enthusiasts.

To read François Jelius' blog is to be immersed in an evocative atmosphere where myths and revelations blend harmoniously. Each reading reveals new perspectives and inspires readers to further explore this captivating universe. François Jelius's personal blog is an invaluable resource for those in search of in-depth knowledge of the game of hasard, offering a unique insight into varied and fascinating thematics.

Through his personal blog, François Jelius opens the doors to an unknown world where games of chance reveal their best-kept secrets. Each published booklet reveals a part of the passion and expertise of its author, thus captivating a public eager for discoveries. To plunge into this world is to embark on a fascinating voyage to discover the many facets of the game of gambling, guided by the expert pen of François Jelius.

François Jelius' personal blog is much more than a simple information platform; it is a true immersion in the pulsating universe of the game of hasard. Each article is an invitation to explore new horizons, to rethink the limits of knowledge and to discover unknown secrets. By browsing through these pages, those who are passionate about games of chance will find an unbeatable source of inspiration and enlightenment, thus transporting them into a world where mystery and revelation combine harmoniously.

      What makes us different?
  • Knowledge-Passion-Vocation.
  • Have the best satisfaction rate demonstrated with hundreds of 5-star reviews.
  • Best rating of a wine tour in Madrid on airbnb experiences.


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Spain is a beautiful European country on the Iberian Peninsula, and is becoming increasingly popular among tourists due to its great offer of wine tourism. Spain is the third largest wine producer in the world and the first country in terms of vineyard extension . From traditional wine tours and visits to vineyards, to tastings and overnight stays in renowned wineries, Spain has something for everyone looking for an exciting and unique experience.

In recent years, the popularity of wine tourism has grown exponentially. La Rioja in particular is a popular destination for wine experiences, with beautiful surroundings and inland tours. The name Rioja is synonymous with quality wine, and it is estimated that 20% of Spain's DO (Denominaciones de Origen) quality wine growing areas are located in this region. We have several two and three day tours in Rioja available for anyone interested in this magnificent experience. Other beautiful areas of Spain for wine lovers are the Ribera del Duero or the Community of Madrid.


Tourists can also enjoy a variety of activities outside of wine tourism, such as exploring Spain's vibrant culture and cuisine. Whatever your interests, Spain has something to offer everyone and is fast becoming one of the world's most popular tourist destinations whether for a relaxing vacation or a more active adventure, Spain has something for everyone.

Are you looking for an incredible experience exploring the landscape, culture and flavors of some of Spain's best wine producing regions? Would you like a wine tasting in Madrid with a bilingual winemaker? Our excursions from Madrid to exquisite wineries in the Community of Madrid, Ribera del Duero, La Rioja, La Mancha or Salamanca are carefully designed for you to enjoy an unforgettable experience of Spanish wine culture. Private transportation to each winery, tasting of at least three wines accompanied by delicious appetizers, full menu for lunch and an expert and friendly bilingual winemaker guide: every detail is taken into account in our tours.

Whether you are looking for a quick day trip or a two or three day vacation, we have something to suit your needs. We promise it will be a trip you will never forget, book your wine tasting from Madrid today.

The wine tasting begins with a visual evaluation. The color and intensity of the wine is observed, as well as its clarity and brightness.

Once the visual aspect has been evaluated, the aroma of the wine is appreciated. The glass is tilted, and the wine is brought close to the nose to perceive the aromas.

Finally, the wine is tasted. A small amount is taken in the mouth and moved so that all parts of the tongue can perceive the taste.

It is important to keep in mind that wine tasting is subjective and each person's perceptions and preferences may vary, however, some organoleptic characteristics are common among wines from the same wine region, and it is important to know them in order to appreciate these wines to the fullest.

In a wine tasting it is also important to take into account the characteristics of the wine being tasted, such as its vintage year, its alcohol content, the grape variety used and the time it has been aged in barrels.

We offer several wine tasting tours to various destinations from Madrid, book the one you like today.

Our Madrid winery tours are experiences that will take you through the most famous and prestigious wineries in the Madrid region. During the tour, you will get to know the vineyards, learn about the history and culture of Spanish wine, and taste some of the best wines produced in the region.

If you are a wine lover, take advantage of your visit to Spain to learn the secrets behind the elaboration of some of the best Spanish wines, create unforgettable memories and forge a deeper knowledge about wine.