Enrique Menasalvas

Enrique Menasalvas

Director of Wine Tours Madrid.
Wset 3 and Senior Viticulture Technician.

Unbridled Taste and Adventure

Discover the taste of Madrid that is more than just a vibrant city. Here, the wines reflect the heritage of the place. Imagine yourself savoring a wine under the Madrilenian sun. Every sip, a story.

Immerse yourself in Ribera del Duero, it is an oenological treasure. The vineyards stretch as far as the eye can see. The flavors are intense and memorable.



Full Satisfaction Guarantee

The Wine Pleasure Promise is Wine Tour Madrid's commitment to each client. The wine tours in the region offer

Discover the Unexpected

The Adventure Among Vineyards awaits you behind every hill. Surprise yourself in every discovery with the wine tours near Madrid.

Raising the Standard of Wine

Innovating in Every Sip, because innovation is in every wine, where tradition and modernity meet. Tastings at Wine Tour

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